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- Meet Our Team | NAForgemasters
Each of our employees represent the spirit of North American Forgemasters. Read through our Employee Profiles to learn more about our team members and what NAF can do for you. CONTACT US > Meet Our Team > MEET THE NAF TEAM Colin Herchenbach / Product Manager Colin graduated in 2007 from Marquette University in Milwaukee with a BS in Mechanical Engineering. His previous position at Scot Forge provided him with extensive metallurgical and manufacturability knowledge in both ferrous and non-ferrous materials. In 2010 Colin moved into technical aerospace sales where he participated in a cross-functional team that achieved AS9100, NADCAP, and prime special process approvals. In this position, Colin gained invaluable experience with complex forged shapes, optimized material characteristics by means of thermomechanical processing and heat treatment. These demanding projects required meticulous project management, detailed interplant routing, risk identification and mitigation. In late 2014 Colin was honored to accept the position of Product Manager at NAF. Phone : (724) 674-0204 Email: LinkedIn : Connect with Colin Brian Hoover / President Brian holds a BS degree in business management from Saint Leo University and an MBA from Purdue University. He spent 20 years at Howmet, beginning his career with Howmet Aerospace in 1985 as a nondestructive testing operator, moving through the ranks to become a business center manager. Additionally, Brian has held several different plant leadership roles across the metals industry, practicing Operational Excellence and Lean Principles to drive quality, safety, on-time delivery and add value. Brian became the President of North American Forgemasters in September of 2023. Email :
- Oil & Gas | NAForgemasters
North American Forgemasters produces forgings for exploration, extraction, refining or transporting for the Oil & Gas industry. MARKETS > Oil & Gas > < Infrastructure Power Gen > FORGINGS FOR OIL AND GAS Whether the parts are land-based, offshore topside or subsea, NAF has what it takes to help you keep (and gain) market share. NORTH AMERICAN FORGEMASTERS | WHY CHOOSE US? In this fast-paced industry, part failure simply is not an option. Components are designed to the limits, and you need a supplier that can innovate as fast as you. Want an advantage over your competitors? Leverage the over 240+ years of forging experience we have to set your product apart from the others. Count on us to come up with highly engineered, best-value solutions to take on your most demanding applications. Wye blocks Tension joints Valve bodies Riser joints Spools Pump bodies The largest ram and annular BOP bodies
- NAF Careers | NAForgemasters
See what job openings are available at North American Forgemasters (NAF). ABOUT US > NAF Careers > EXPLORE A CAREER AT NAF North American Forgemasters (NAF) continues to grow by embracing the needs of our large open die forging customers. Our high-class performance is the result of sustained quality standards from hard-working and loyal employees. We aim to consistently develop our business nationally and internationally with the highest standards of performance and service by recruiting the best. NAF is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) employer and welcomes all qualified applicants. Applicants will receive fair and impartial consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity or sexual orientation, transgender status, national origin, age, marital status, genetic information, disability, protected veteran status, or other legally protected status. NAF ensures nondiscrimination in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI & Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you need more information or special assistance for persons with disabilities, please call (724) 656-6418. Browse Jobs
- Heavy Machinery | NAForgemasters
North American Forgemasters produces forgings for heavy equipment for road construction, forestry, farming, manufacturing, mining, military applications, etc. MARKETS > Heavy Machinery > < Defense Mining > FORGINGS FOR HEAVY MACHINERY Electric, steam, gas or diesel powered... heavy machinery performs better with forgings. NORTH AMERICAN FORGEMASTERS | WHY CHOOSE US? For components of all sizes, let NAF replace those manufactured through less competitive or inferior alternative metalworking methods such as castings and fabrications, with our high quality open die forgings. Components are able to be delivered in a variety of machined configurations with the optimum, best value chemistry engineered for each unique application. Some of the components we supply are: Hydraulic cylinder housings Pistons Rams Tie rods Mill spindles and pinions Bases, columns, and slides Custom forgings
- Rings | NAForgemasters
North American Forgemasters produces open-die and seamless rolled ring forgings with weights up to 270,000 lbs. for rings of 160 in. O.D. x 120 in. tall or 330 in. O.D. x 115 in. tall in a variety of materials. PRODUCTS > Rings > FORGED RINGS NAF manufactures open die and seamless rolled rings to exacting specifications used in the most demanding applications. The forging process produces rings with controlled grain flow, which gives strength and resistance to impact and fatigue not found in rings torch cut from plate, or rolled and welded. Additionally NAF offers all downstream processing including heat treatment, machining and mechanical and non-destructive testing, upon request. Contact us today , our team will work with you to capitalize on our capabilities to minimize material waste and reduce process inefficiencies. Max. O.D. Max. Height Max. Weight 160in. 120 in. 270,000 lbs. >160 in. to 330 in. 115 in. 270,000 lbs. < Disks/Hubs Shafts/Bars >
- Power Generation | NAForgemasters
North American Forgemasters produces forgings for the Power Generation industry - helping to provide the world with the energy they need. MARKETS > Power Generation > FORGINGS FOR POWER GENERATION NAF is well equipped to exceed your power generation forging requirements. NORTH AMERICAN FORGEMASTERS | WHY CHOOSE US? The worldwide need for power generation is increasing in all areas of the world. NAF stands ready to support your large open die forging needs with the latest technology in North America. Demanding operating conditions require forgings made to the highest quality each and every time. Every department understands these requirements and why it is imperative to achieve and exceed customer’s specifications the first time. With decades of cross functional experience, our sales and quality team can provide the fastest, best value proposals in the industry. This fundamental approach is but one of numerous reasons our customers partner with us as their supplier of choice. Some of the forgings that we produce for this industry are: Generator shafts Steam and gas turbine rotor shafts, disks and bucket wheels Jackshafts Exciter shafts Hydroelectric shafts Fan shafts Very large torque tubes Very large compressor shafts and disks < Oil & Gas Shipbuilding >
- About Us | NAForgemasters
North American Forgemasters (NAF) is a 50-50 joint venture between Scot Forge and Ellwood Group, Inc. NAF TODAY Today the partnership is as strong as ever, converting an average of more than 100,000 ingot tons per year, making NAF perhaps the most productive open die forger in the world. The original press was rebuilt in 2013 and the original six oxy-fuel forge heating furnaces were replaced in 2014 with five regenerative burner furnaces providing a net heating capacity increase with lower emissions. The press is serviced by two 50 ton mobile manipulators. Additionally, the Partners have invested approximately $95 million to build an open die press complex with the capabilities to make open die forgings larger than either can make today. The 90MN / 10120 ton open die forging press is the centerpiece of the investment and is the largest, fastest acting and most reliable press in the Western Hemisphere. It is serviced by a 190 ton crane, a 200 ton rail-bound manipulator and a 100 ton mobile manipulator. Currently, there is one car bottom and two box forge heating furnaces as well a large moving hood normalize, temper, stress relieve and slow cool furnace. EXPERIENCE. RELIABILITY. QUALITY. North American Forgemasters (NAF) is a 50-50 joint venture between Scot Forge and Ellwood Group, Inc . ABOUT US NORTH AMERICAN FORGEMASTERS NAF was established in 1997 when an agreement between the Partner companies was made to install a 4500 ton press in New Castle, PA. At the time, both Partners identified the need for a larger open die forging press and the idea of a joint venture adjacent to both company's primary melt source would provide the opportunity to hot ship ingots a few hundred yards to the bigger press. The agreement was made to operate as a cost center converting ingots supplied by each of the Partners into bloom and custom open die forgings according to their written instructions. Since 1997, the two Partners have grown and prospered, in part due to the success of the NAF joint venture. Both companies have since installed larger presses - Scot Forge built a 5500 ton press in 2007 and Ellwood City Forge, a division of EGI, built a 5000 ton press in 2008. Since the 4500 ton press is no longer unique, the Partners have made a new agreement, looking to once again create opportunity for the NAF JV. About Us Flip Boxes OUR PARTNERS The success of NAF is rooted in its partnerships with Ellwood Group, Inc. and Scot Forge Company OUR PARTNERS Read More NEWS & UPDATES Read up and subscribe to receive all of NAF's recent updates! NEWS & UPDATES Read More NAF was established in 1997 when an agreement between the Partner companies was made to install a 4500 ton press in New Castle, PA. At the time, both Partners identified the need for a larger open die forging press and the idea of a joint venture adjacent to both company's primary melt source would provide the opportunity to hot ship ingots a few hundred yards to the bigger press. The agreement was made to operate as a cost center converting ingots supplied by each of the Partners into bloom and custom open die forgings according to their written instructions. Since 1997, the two Partners have grown and prospered, in part due to the success of the NAF joint venture. Both companies have since installed larger presses - Scot Forge built a 5500 ton press in 2007 and Ellwood City Forge, a division of EGI, built a 5000 ton press in 2008. Since the 4500 ton press is no longer unique, the Partners have made a new agreement, looking to once again create opportunity for the NAF JV. ABOUT US NORTH AMERICAN FORGEMASTERS EXPERIENCE. RELIABILITY. QUALITY. North American Forgemasters (NAF) is a 50-50 joint venture between Scot Forge and Ellwood Group, Inc. ABOUT US >
- News And Updates 11.23.2016 | NAForgemasters
Big presses need large forgings too! This slab measuring 20" thick x 97" wide x 275" long and 151,000 lbs was successfully forged by our very talented ABOUT US > News And Updates 11.23.2016 > FORGING NEWS AND UPDATES FROM NORTH AMERICAN FORGEMASTERS Large slab. No problem! Colin Herchenbach On November 23, 2016 Big presses need large forgings too! Often a break-down situation means our customer is losing thousands of dollars in down time each day. This is where NAF has our customers covered with an expedited response. This slab measuring 20" thick x 97" wide x 275" long and 151,000 lbs was successfully forged by our very talented team here at NAF earlier this week. Tonight the material will complete its normalized cycle and once milled will ship in early December. All operations from melting the steel ingot to milling and final inspection will be performed at one facility here in New Castle, PA! Categories: General | Tags: forged plate , forged slab , forged tool steel | View Count: (35907)
- News And Updates 7.15.2015 | NAForgemasters
NAF was audited by ABS Quality Evaluations in June 2015 and received formal certification on July 14, 2015. We had "Zero" findings in our certificatio ABOUT US > News And Updates 7.15.2015 > FORGING NEWS AND UPDATES FROM NORTH AMERICAN FORGEMASTERS NAF Receives ISO 9001:2008 Certification Judy Shaffer On July 15, 2015 This certification can be downloaded under the quality tab within this website. Categories: General | Tags: | View Count: (34953)
- Commercial Nuclear | NAForgemasters
North American Forgemasters produces forgings for nuclear propulsion and reactor components or waste-storage and transport forgings. FORGINGS FOR COMMERCIAL NUCLEAR North American Forgemasters manufactures the entire spectrum of forgings for the commercial nuclear industry, including SMRs. NORTH AMERICAN FORGEMASTERS | WHY CHOOSE US? Our technical staff is knowledgeable in nuclear OEM requirements, including small modular reactors (SMR), post-contract deliverables, in-process hold points and material certification packets. NAF offers precision and commitment that extends to unparalleled support, offering you a partner dedicated to custom solutions, timely delivery and continuous collaboration. Trust in our forging mastery to create your nuclear components; from R&D to production parts, NAF delivers unwavering quality following a quality system compliant with the ASME Code Section III, NCA 3800 and NQA-1 specifications. Typical components consumed in these markets are: Shells with integral nozzles Flanges Risers Ultra large support skirts Ultra large storage casks Top, bottom, closure and primary heads Tube sheets Steam plenums Domes Nozzles < Shipbuilding Defense > MARKETS > Commercial Nuclear >
- Discs & Hubs | NAForgemasters
North American Forgemasters produces large disk and hub forgings with weights up to 270,000 lbs. and max. O.D. of 160 in. in a variety of materials. PRODUCTS > Discs & Hubs > FORGED DISCS AND HUBS Our forged discs and hubs are made by standing heated material on end and working it between an upper and lower die (a.k.a. upsetting). This process compresses the grain structure of the part in both directions, which gives strength and ductility that is not found with other metalworking alternatives. With our variety of in-house tooling, we are able to produce both simple and complex hub near-net forgings with tight dimensional tolerances and smooth finishes. Additionally, NAF offers all downstream processing, including heat treatment, machining and mechanical and non-destructive testing, upon request. Contact us today with your exact specifications. Our team will work with you to capitalize on our capabilities to minimize material waste and reduce process inefficiencies. Max. O.D. Max. Length Max. Weight 190in. ** 325,000+ lbs. **There is no practical combination of dimensions that would result in a weight greater than 270,000 lbs. (i.e. height and length are only limited by a combination of the dimensions and max. weight). Feel free to reach out to a NAF team member for further clarification. < Custom Rings >
- Shafts & Bars | NAForgemasters
North American Forgemasters produces round, rectangular, hexagon, square and flat bar with weights up to 270,000 lbs. and max. length of 75 ft. Forged shafts are also available with max. O.D. of 160 in. PRODUCTS > Shafts & Bars > FORGED SHAFTS AND BARS Our step shafts are forged from sound-centered billets. Using a “fuller” tool to start the stepping process, we forge the steps into smaller or tapered diameters. This process creates a contoured grain flow, giving the part greater strength and fatigue resistance that can’t be found in shafts machined from bar stock. For round bars, square bars, flat bars and hex bars, NAF can produce sound-centered bars from various alloy types for a stronger and more durable product compared to a machined part or casting. From planishing, cutting, heat treating, straightening, machining and testing, we deliver consistent, high-quality, fast turnaround times. Additionally, NAF offers all downstream processing , including heat treatment, machining and mechanical and non-destructive testing, upon request. Contact us today with your exact specifications, and our team will work with you to capitalize on our capabilities to minimize material waste and reduce process inefficiencies. Max. Width Max. Length Max. Weight 190in. 75ft. 325,000+ lbs. < Rings Hollows >